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Snowberry. Anna Yeoman 


Recent happenings:

June 2024:


The grand and Otago skinks in the sanctuary are continuing to breed well, and this autumn we reached — and passed — the milestone of 100 baby grand and Otago skinks born inside the fence. At least that's the ones we know about — there will be more out there happily evading our searches!


A neat podcast was made about the sanctuary, and about NZ lizard conservation, by Karthic SS for Otago Access Radio. You can listen to it here: 


Underdogs under the ledge: Saving rare lizards


For other news, see our latest newsletter below

Green skinks like living along the edges of scree slopes, using both the rocks and the veg

A team led by Carey Knox searches for Otago green skinks in the Hawkdun Range, for translocation into Mokomoko Dryland Sanctuary. Dec 2023. Photo Anna Yeoman

Contact us:


Email Grant Norbury at:


Tel: +64-21-1783604


Central Otago Ecological Trust
PO Box 176
New Zealand



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© 2019 Anna Yeoman for the Central Otago Ecological Trust

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